Thursday, May 11, 2006

Don't visit Kanab

Kanab Utah has passed a resolution that recognizes protecting the natural family as the first priority of government. Since I feel this makes my family second class citizens having no Children and Linda (gasp!) working as a teacher, I will make it a point to traveling through, but not stopping in, Kanab during our vacation travel.

To Mayor Kim T. Lawson,
Cc: Kane County Travel, Kanab Boosters (via web email interface)

After listening to you describe the natural family resolution on KUER’s Radio West, I thought that it was incumbent on me to inform you that the first Amendment Right of freedom of speech and freedom of expression caries with it responsibilities in a civilized society. I believe that when a town passes a proclamation that makes it clear that neither I nor my wife are welcome in your town, that we will take that to heart when making travel plans. We have enjoyed stopping in Kanab in the past. We will travel through Kanab in the future. Until this proclamation is rescinded, we will make sure to travel through Kanab without stopping. We’ll enjoy the views of our southern Utah, but will not contribute to the tax base in your town. When the proclamation on the "natural family" is rescinded, we will make a point to travel to Kanab to spend money in your town, make up our absence with the fine businesses of Kanab, and enjoy the welcome of your town's citizens.

John Lee and Linda Peer
Salt Lake City and Torrey, Utah.

When Kanab rescinds this resolution, let's all go to Kanab to celebrate.

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